DLMS/COSEM for smart metering The DLMS/COSEM standard suite (IEC 62056 / EN 13757-1)
is the most widely accepted international standard for utility meter data exchange.
This global acceptance is clearly demonstrated by the continued fast growth of the
membership of the DLMS User Association and by the number of meter types certified
to be DLMS / COSEM compliant.
The DLMS / COSEM standard suite has been developed based on two strong and proven
concepts: object modelling of application data and the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) model. This allows covering the widest possible range of applications and
communication media.
This clear, flexible and future-proof architecture allows us to continuously extend
the scope of DLMS / COSEM to cover new applications and new communication media.
Initially, it was primarily used in the commercial & Industrial segment of electricity
metering over PSTN and GSM networks. Today, DLMS / COSEM forms the basis of large
multi-utility smart metering projects using GPRS and PLC networks to transport data.